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Cork Harbour Festival: International event on the Future of Port Cities

11 May 2021
Irish naval ship LE Ethine docked in Cork City, Ireland, to help fight Covid-19 in the City. June 2020. Photo by Jamie O’Sullivan

City-University partners across our UNIC European University Alliance believe ports and port cities have a particularly unique role to play in helping us to rethink and redesign the future of our urban centers - in a citizen centered, diverse and ecological manner.

Join us for a roundtable discussion chaired by Irish Times Journalist Lorna Siggins, bringing thought leaders into conversation around this ambition as part of the Cork Harbour Festival 2021 programme.

'The Future of Port Cities: Post-Pandemic Recovery, Resilience & Renaissance'

When: Thursday 10th June (14:00 Cork / 15:00 CET)

Link to Register Here

As part of Cork Harbour Festival, UCC in partnership with Cork City Council invite citizens, communities and stakeholders in Cork and internationally, to tune in for this roundtable discussion on the Future of Port Cities. Join journalist Lorna Siggins, in conversation with:

  • Conor Mowlds, Chief Commercial Officer, Port of Cork Company
  • Lar Joye, Port Heritage Director, Dublin Port Company
  • Associate Professor Amanda Brandellero, Erasmus University Rotterdam School of History, Culture and Communication and member of the ‘Port City Futures’ group in the Netherlands.

Opened by:

  • Fearghal Reidy, Director of Services Strategic & Economic Development, Cork City Council
  • Performance by UCC Quercus Scholar, student and harpist Síofra Thornton.

Registered participants will receive a link to join the live event and be able to participate in the Q&A.

The event will also be available to view as livestream here.

We welcome public audiences, as well as colleagues, policy makers and academics from across the European Cities and Universities involved in UNIC and the Port City Universities League representing 14 countries internationally.

Event Contributors:

Lorna Siggins is a print and radio reporter, and a former Irish Times western and marine correspondent. She has a strong love of the sea and a deep knowledge of people who make their living by it.  She is the author of Everest Calling (1994) on the first Irish Everest expedition; Mayday! Mayday! (2004) on Irish helicopter search and rescue; and Once Upon a Time in the West: the Corrib gas controversy (2010)

Conor Mowlds is Chief Commercial Officer of the Port of Cork, responsible for the development and implementation of the Port’s commercial strategy. He has held a variety of seagoing and shore positions in both the public and private sector in the UK and Ireland, most recently serving as Head of College at the National Maritime College of Ireland. Conor has held a seat as a Council Member on the Board of the Irish Chamber of Shipping (ICOS). Conor is a graduate of Maritime Business & Law and a Fellow of the Institute of Logistics & Transport (FCILT).

Lar Joye is Port Heritage Director at Dublin Port and is responsible for the Port Archive that covers 300 years of Dublin’s History. Previously he curated the award-winning Soldiers & Chiefs the Irish soldier at home and abroad from 1550 exhibition at National Museum of Ireland. He played a key role in the Decade of Commemorations 2012-2017 involved in a variety of TV documentaries, exhibitions, conferences and projects. He represented the National Museum on the Irish Battlefield Commission, the Moore Street Project, GPO Witness History Museum and was historical adviser for An Posts 2016 commemorative stamp series.  More recently he has partnered with the theatre company Anu productions on four plays and is a member of the Irish Film Institutes Newsreels project: The Irish Independence Film Collection. He is a graduate of University College Dublin, Leicester University and the Getty Leadership Institute in California and is a member of the Board of Directors of many heritage associations. Previously he was chairman of the Irish National Committee of the Blue Shield.

Amanda Brandellero is Associate Professor at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication in Rotterdam. She is a founding member of the Port City Futures – a multi-disciplinary research group focusing on contemporary port city challenges and opportunities. Her research focuses on sustainable and circular making practices.

Síofra Thornton is a Harper, Singer, Composer and Final Year Music Student from Ballina County Tipperary. She has performed both nationally and internationally with The Irish Harp Orchestra and Ned Kelly’s In Tune for life Orchestra. Síofra is currently All Ireland Slow Air Champion and has many other accolades at a County, Provincial and All Ireland level. She is heavily influenced by the music of her area and is currently doing research on composers of the Irish harp as part of her Major Study Project.

Want to know more about UNIC?

The UNIC European University is an alliance of eight universities educating through teaching, research and community engagement, towards inclusive societies. Read this post on 'What makes UNIC so Unique'  or find out more about how UNIC CityLabs will foster collaboration to Think Local , Act Global

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Civic and Community Engagment at University College Cork 

Civic & Community Engagement

Comhpháirteachas Cathartha agus Pobail
