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Know where to go

Know where to go | Online Learning Resource

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Welcome to “Know where to go”, a UCC digital resource created by students. Whether you are studying wholly online, in person, or anywhere in between, UCC aims to prepare their students and ensure they have the digital skills to succeed in their course and succeed in the working world. We hope you find this page helpful, and feel free to dip in and out of this resource whenever you need to. You can also bookmark this page for future reference once you have completed it.


Know where to go: Online Learning Resource for your UCC IT needs

What is SIT: SIT is your student IT services within UCC. The Student IT service is where you will find all the relevant information that a student might need.  

Umail: Umail is UCC’s student email service. Click to find out more. You will automatically have a umail account set up for you from the day you register into UCC. Please find the following link attached to this in order for you to gain more understanding about umail -

My Student Admin:  This is an important feature that every student within UCC uses to access your timetable for your exams and a place where you must register for each academic year.

IT services: This is where all the relevant information is available to you to gauge a greater understanding of the relevant IT services provided by UCC about IT services -

MFA: This is where you will find all the help you need in order to be able to reset your password if you run into any difficulty about MFA - 

Student IT Account: Everything you, as a student, needs to know in order to be able to activate your UCC student account is available here about your Student IT Account -

What is Canvas: Canvas is a learning management system where you will find all your course learning materials. Please find link attached to this about Canvas -

Communication within Canvas: Communication is key when it comes to communicating with a group of people, lecturer etc. This is your messaging tool in order to communicate with others. Please find the link below to access more information on this topic about communication within Canvas. You can read more about this through here -

Finding your modules in Canvas: Canvas is an online learning platform that both you and the lecturers use in order to communicate with each other. Please find the relevant link below in order to access your modules in canvas -,staff%20and%20students%20in%20UCC.&text=To%20access%20your%20Canvas%20account,click%20on%20the%20Canvas%20icon

Digital Passport: The Digital Passport is a digital badge that focuses on the importance that technology has in order to make your learning experience easier. There will be different sessions that will focus on different sources of technology. It covers areas such as Office 365. For additional information on your digital passport, please click here - 

Success Zone: This is a resource on Canvas aimed at mainly first-year students going through other basics you may need in order to access the Success Zone -

Using the printers in UCC: If you  have any difficulties that you may  run into when using the printers, please find the relevant link attached below in order to find information about the printers -

The Student Helpdesk: Your first port of call for any relevant student IT services queries is the student helpdesk. Please find the relevant link attached below about the Student Helpdesk -

How to access the Wi-Fi within campus: Eduroam is UCC’s Wi-Fi service provided to each student in UCC. Here you will find detailed instructions on how to connect to the Wi-Fi. For additional information on logging in and using the Wi-Fi while on campus, please find the link attached about how to access the Wi-Fi on campus -

Scanning into the library: Before you can enter the library to access all the resources available, you must first scan your UCC student card at the front of the library. For additional information on how this works, please find the attached link about scanning into the library  -

Open PCs: There are many PC labs open for all UCC students to use. For more information about opening timing and usage, click the following link -


Google Suite: Google Suite is a place that provides you with information on applications such as Google Drive, Google Classroom etc. For more information on this particular part, please find the link attached about Google Suite -

Microsoft Teams: This is the primary video conferencing software used in UCC. It can be used to host live online lectures or used for teamwork that any student can access on their laptop or any device. For more information, please find the relevant link attached about Microsoft Teams -

Microsoft Office:  Microsoft Office is an office suite that is used for you to be able to write documents and also present documents. All registered UCC students have access to Microsoft Office. For more information on Microsoft Office, please find the link attached about Microsoft Office -

ICDL: This is the ICDL, International Computer Driving Licence. UCC provides free online training in this but there is a fee to do the exam to get the qualification but that doesn’t stop you from learning everything. For additional information, please find the link about ICDL -

Laptop loan scheme: To complete many assessments, you may need access to a laptop. For additional information on renting a laptop in the library, please find the link attached about the Laptop loan scheme -

Buyers-guide: Many technological resources play a vital role in the day to day running of student life. The buyers’ guide ensures that students are well prepared and equipped with the right equipment to approach the college year.  For additional information about the equipment you may need, and what to buy, please find the link below about the buyers-guide -  

AV equipment: Each classroom within UCC is well equipped with all AV equipment. 

  • Some rooms in UCC have different AV equipment to others, such as a projector or a disc player etc. For more information on using AV equipment and how to book a venue, please find the link below about AV equipment -

Library Studio: The UCC library studio is a video recording studio located in the library’s basement. It allows you to record videos onto a USB key for presentation and other projects. For additional information, find the link below about the Library Studio -

Library 3D printing service: The Library has a 3D printer that is free for all students to use. For more information regarding the library's 3D printing service, please find the attached link below regarding the library 3D printing service -

Panopto: This resource is available in UCC, which allows lecturers to record presentations that will go directly to your canvas module. For more information, please find the attached link below about Panopto -


Academic integrity and referencing: Academic integrity ensures that the work you submit is your own and you declare the sources you use accurately. This is done through referencing. Please view the following resource from the library around everything to do with the topic -

Research supports: Research is integral to learning at UCC, whether for your own further reading or completing assignments to conduct your own research for dissertations and theses. 

The Library research support is an excellent place to start to get the help and support you need to perform this research online. Click the following link for more resources on library research supports -

Phishing: Phishing scams are something that you should always keep an eye out for and be aware of. UCC provides information on how to protect yourself from scams through the following link -

IT Security learning pathway: Cyber securing is very important to ensure your safety online. View the SIT Security learning pathways here -

IT Security ICDL: For even more information on IT security, register to the ICDL -

UCC also provides more information on IT security to make sure that you stay safe when online: Click the following link for more information on UCC IT security -

Netiquette or online etiquette is a new term and can be very important when working with other people online. Read more on our resources on Netiquette through here - 

Click here to learn more about what UCC can do for your Well-being. Remember, you must know where to go before an emergency arises. -

Also, check out this infographic for the UCC student support tree -

Finally, don’t forget the Students’ Union is also there to help with any issues.  For welfare and wellbeing issues, email the Welfare Officer:, and for educational matters, email

For general tips on how to complete online exams, check out this resource -

If you have any questions about submitting an assignment on Canvas, they can be answered by clicking the following link -

MCQ or multiple choice questions are a form of assessment, and they are called ‘Canvas Quizzes’ in Canvas. If you have any questions on how to complete one of these quizzes, they can be answered here -

Microsoft Lens is an application used by UCC to scan and upload handwritten answers to Canvas for any assessment. Doing this can take time if you are unfamiliar with the process, so make sure to read up on how to do that before you start, please click the following link -

Practice submission: If you need to check how to upload a submission, you can practice here -

 Congratulations, you have successfully completed each stage and now you know where to go.

Hopefully, this has helped you gain a good understanding of the available resources in UCC and can continue learning to the best of your ability. Good luck

Skills Centre

Q -1 (Q minus 1), Boole Library,
